Friday, June 5, 2009

S'more Brownies.

I love Rachael Ray. People dis her because she's got a chatty personality, some ridiculous TV deals, and she doesn't have kids. The gall of not procreating! Crazy lady.

I love her because her shows are entertaining and informative, and she is a big promoter of the time saving semi-homemade method of cooking without needing brag about it in the title of her show (like some people). Also I think she's cute and the whole not having kids thing is a turn-on for me.

S'more Brownies.

1 box of brownie mix (for 9x13 pans -- important!)
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup crushed graham crackers (about half of one sleeve, i.e. 4 large cracker sheets)
6 large marshmallows, chopped**
12 large marshmallows, whole

Preheat oven to 350F and grease a 9x13 pan.

Mix up the boxed brownie mix as you do except sub milk for the water. Crush the graham crackers by hand, as you want medium-sized pieces. Snip the 6 large marshmallows into smaller bits. Stir in the chocolate chips, graham crackers, and marshmallow bits into the prepared brownie batter. Spread the batter into the greased pan evenly. Place 12 large marshmallows strategically atop the batter.

Bake uncovered for 25ish minutes, until a toothpick comes out pretty clean or, as Rachael says, "moist crumbs" stick to the toothpick. Turn off oven. Cool completely and cut and yum!

Don't forget to break your eggs separately and take artsy reflective photographs of them as you do.

Just like making brownies in your youth, except now with your fancy grown up KitchenAid mixer.

I'm not a player. I just crush a lot.

This ain't Amsterdam, Vince. This is a seller's market.

Ben & Jerry are so jealous right now.


Spray the brownie pan. I don't care how hot of stuff you think you are. You could be who Donna Summer was looking for that evening - I DO NOT CARE. Spray that pan.

I use skim milk because that's what I keep in my house and rarely does the use of it destroy a recipe (unless you're making, you know, anything with "buttermilk" in the name), so just go ahead and do that. I'm a stickler about other baking rules -- "eggs" mean "Grade A large eggs" (as opposed to medium or extra large), "butter" means "unsalted butter," and other nuggets. Ideally I'd bake with whole milk but I'm not made of money to shell out for additional milk (my cheapness is further evidenced by the prominent use of Target brand products when available).

OMG though! Yes, I'm a cheapskate and like to consolidate purchases and whatnot but for the love of Jesus, buy smaller marshmallows instead of cutting up large ones. Even if you use your favorite and best kitchen scissors, you are going to get so mad! They stick to the scissors, they stick to your hands, they stick to the bowl you're cutting them into -- veto! Buy the little ones and just use the big ones for the topping.

Oh and whenever "chocolate chips" are not further categorized, I use milk chocolate chips. I am just itching to be diabetic before I turn 30.

I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?

1 comment:

Girl Mix-A-Lot said...

These look amazing! What a great idea. Sometimes I make s'more in the microwave I love them so much. I will def make these one day soon.

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